Due to the number of options we offer to our clients, each event you caterer here may be set up differently. Several of our outdoor ceremony options are very visible to the catering unload area, which is why we always recommend that the caterer arrive at least an hour and a half before the ceremony or after the ceremony so that you do not interrupt the ceremony or cause distraction. Cones and stanchions are not to be moved to pull up to the estate. The Lizton Lodge Team should reach out to the caterer before the event with the Venue Manager contact information. The caterer should call the venue manager on duty before pulling up to the estate to unload. The caterer should (1) unload, (2) move vehicle(s) to the parking lot, (3) proceed with set up (no exceptions).
All dinner food must be provided by a caterer who has a Board of Health Certificate and is insured.
We will need a copy of the caterer’s Board of Health Certificate one month before the event date.
As of January 1, 2023, Lizton Lodge will no longer supply ice. It will be the caterer’s responsibility to bring ice for the event.
We strongly suggest that the caterer stays for at least the duration of the meal as Lizton Lodge staff will not be responsible for replenishing food, busing tables or cleaning up dinner trash.
The caterer MUST be the one to drop off the food at Lizton Lodge. Food cannot be brought in by the client.
All food must come already cooked - no food can be cooked on-site.
Food trucks are not permitted. (Food truck definition: where the guests go to the truck to get/pickup dinner/food)
The caterer or client must provide linens for the buffet tables + guest tables.
Lizton Lodge will provide trash cans and trash bags, but the client or caterer is responsible for getting trash to the trash cans.
No food can be disposed of in any of the sinks, as there is no garbage disposal.
Lizton Lodge staff will take care of emptying the trash cans in the guest areas throughout the day.
Our catering room has warming units, a sink (no garbage disposal), prep tables, and carts that are available for the caterer to use.
Lizton Lodge does not supply dinnerware, utensils, napkins, cups, or drinking water - it is the responsibility of the client or caterer to provide these.
No smoking/vaping allowed in the catering room. This is only allowed at the fire pit.
Coolers brought in by the caterer are not allowed anywhere beyond the catering room. Only Lizton Lodge rolling coolers are allowed inside the estate.
If client wishes to use the rolling coolers, it is the responsibly of the client to fill and replenish them with non-alcoholic drinks in which they provide.
All caterer’s food waste must be removed from the premises by the caterer. If prior agreements have been made with the client for the caterer to leave leftover food, it should be stored on the long stainless-steel table only. Lizton Lodge staff must be notified and the Venue Manager must approve.
This map will give you a better visual of the estate layout. Buffet tables are typically in the Ballroom and the reception is typically in the White Hall, but this can vary for each event for please verify this with the client.
Caterer Responsibilities
If your caterer does not provide these services - these responsibilities fall on the client to provide.
Maintaining and refilling buffet tables
Removing food/trash from buffet and guest tables
Providing plates, napkins, cups and utensils
Cleaning catering room
Clean off all surfaces, carts, tables, sinks, utensils and equipment that was used with cleaning supplies located in the catering room.
Return the catering room to its original condition and place things back to how they were originally stored.
Any products spilled onto the floor must be cleaned up immediately. A broom, dust pan, mop and mop bucket are provided in the cleaning closet located in the catering room.
All trash must be placed in trash bags and placed in bag dumpster.
All caterer’s food waste must be removed from the premises by the caterer.
No waste of any kind can be disposed of in any outside areas. This includes ice, liquids and solids.
Clean up must be done and all belongings removed one hour after event end time.
Caterer must notify Venue Manager before leaving for inspection of the catering room/equipment. Any Lizton Lodge labor time required to finish the caterer’s responsibilities will be charged back to the caterer and/or client.